wxLuaScript Class Reference

A class to handle Lua scripting. More...

#include <wxluascript.h>

Inheritance diagram for wxLuaScript:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 wxLuaScript (const wxString &strScript=wxEmptyString, wxEvtHandler *poParent=NULL, const wxString &strDomain=wxEmptyString, bool *pbParentState=NULL)
 Standard constructor.
virtual ~wxLuaScript ()
 Virtual destructor.
virtual void Run ()
 Run the Lua script in memory.
virtual void RegisterFunction (const wxString &strLuaCFunctionName, lua_CFunction pLuaCFunction)
 Register a new (LuaC-)function to Lua.
virtual void RegisterConstant (const wxString &strLuaConstantName, const wxString &strValue)
 Register a string constant to Lua.
virtual void RegisterConstant (const wxString &strLuaConstantName, const int nValue)
 Register an integer constant to Lua.
virtual void RegisterVariable (const wxString &strLuaVarName, const int *pnValue)
 Register an integer variable to Lua.
virtual void RegisterVariable (const wxString &strLuaVarName, const bool *pnValue)
 Register a boolean variable to Lua.
virtual void RegisterVariable (const wxString &strLuaVarName, const double *pnValue)
 Register a double variable to Lua.
virtual void RegisterVariable (const wxString &strLuaVarName, const wxString *pstrValue)
 Register a wxString variable to Lua.
virtual void CallLuaFunction (const wxString &strLuaFunction)
 Call a Lua function without return value (sometimes called a 'procedure') by given name.
bool IsOk ()
 Returns the object state: true on OK and false otherwise.

Protected Types

typedef lua_State * t_luaL_newstate ()
typedef void t_luaL_openlibs (lua_State *)
typedef lua_CFunction t_lua_atpanic (lua_State *, lua_CFunction)
typedef int t_lua_error (lua_State *)
typedef int t_lua_gettop (lua_State *)
typedef int t_luaL_loadstring (lua_State *, const char *)
typedef void t_lua_pushstring (lua_State *, const char *)
typedef void t_lua_pushinteger (lua_State *, lua_Integer)
typedef void t_lua_pushboolean (lua_State *, int)
typedef lua_Integer t_lua_tointeger (lua_State *, int)
typedef const char * t_lua_tolstring (lua_State *, int, size_t *)
typedef lua_Number t_lua_tonumber (lua_State *, int)
typedef int t_lua_toboolean (lua_State *, int)
typedef int t_lua_isnumber (lua_State *, int)
typedef int t_lua_type (lua_State *, int)
typedef int t_lua_isstring (lua_State *, int)
typedef void t_lua_pushcclosure (lua_State *, lua_CFunction, int)
typedef void t_lua_call (lua_State *, int, int)
typedef int t_lua_pcall (lua_State *, int, int, int)
typedef int t_lua_cpcall (lua_State *, lua_CFunction, void *)
typedef void t_lua_settable (lua_State *, int)
typedef void t_lua_setfield (lua_State *, int, const char *)
typedef void t_lua_getfield (lua_State *, int, const char *)
typedef void t_lua_settop (lua_State *, int)
typedef void t_lua_insert (lua_State *, int)
typedef void t_lua_pushvalue (lua_State *, int)
typedef void t_lua_close (lua_State *)
typedef void t_lua_createtable (lua_State *, int, int)
typedef void t_lua_pushlightuserdata (lua_State *, void *)
typedef const void * t_lua_topointer (lua_State *, int)
typedef void t_lua_gettable (lua_State *, int)
typedef void t_lua_pushnumber (lua_State *, lua_Number)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void RegisterFunction (lua_State *L, const char *pszTableName, const char *pszFuncName, lua_CFunction pLuaCFunction)
 Register a new (LuaC-)function to Lua. Lower level function.
static wxLuaScriptGetThis (lua_State *L)
 Get the this-pointer from Lua.
static int Run (lua_State *L)
 Run the Lua script in memory in protected mode.
static int TraceBack (lua_State *L)
 Create a stack trace on the Lua stack.
static int LuaAtPanic (lua_State *L)
 Error handler for (maybe fatal) Lua errors.
static int LogMessage (lua_State *L)
 Log a message on the standard wxWidgets log target.
static int SendMenuEvent (lua_State *L)
 Send a menu event to the parent event handler.
static int LuaIntVarAccessor (lua_State *L)
 Accessor function to a C-closure bound integer on the C/C++ side.
static int LuaBoolVarAccessor (lua_State *L)
 Accessor function to a C-closure bound integer on the C/C++ side.
static int LuaDoubleVarAccessor (lua_State *L)
 Accessor function to a C-closure bound integer on the C/C++ side.
static int LuaStringVarAccessor (lua_State *L)
 Accessor function to a C-closure bound wxString on the C++ side.

Protected Attributes

wxEvtHandler * m_poParent
 Pointer to the parent event handler (most often the parent window).
bool * m_pbParentState
 Pointer to the state of the parent object (true == OK, false == not OK).
lua_State * L
 Lua context.
wxString m_strScript
 Lua script as a string in memory.
wxString m_strDomain
 Lua "domain" name (the table where the functions are to register to).
bool m_bOk

Static Protected Attributes

static wxDynamicLibrary m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary
static t_luaL_newstateluaL_newstate = NULL
static t_luaL_openlibsluaL_openlibs = NULL
static t_lua_atpaniclua_atpanic = NULL
static t_lua_errorlua_error = NULL
static t_lua_gettoplua_gettop = NULL
static t_luaL_loadstringluaL_loadstring = NULL
static t_lua_pushstringlua_pushstring = NULL
static t_lua_pushintegerlua_pushinteger = NULL
static t_lua_pushbooleanlua_pushboolean = NULL
static t_lua_tointegerlua_tointeger = NULL
static t_lua_tolstringlua_tolstring = NULL
static t_lua_tonumberlua_tonumber = NULL
static t_lua_tobooleanlua_toboolean = NULL
static t_lua_isnumberlua_isnumber = NULL
static t_lua_typelua_type = NULL
static t_lua_isstringlua_isstring = NULL
static t_lua_pushcclosurelua_pushcclosure = NULL
static t_lua_calllua_call = NULL
static t_lua_pcalllua_pcall = NULL
static t_lua_cpcalllua_cpcall = NULL
static t_lua_settablelua_settable = NULL
static t_lua_setfieldlua_setfield = NULL
static t_lua_getfieldlua_getfield = NULL
static t_lua_settoplua_settop = NULL
static t_lua_insertlua_insert = NULL
static t_lua_pushvaluelua_pushvalue = NULL
static t_lua_closelua_close = NULL
static t_lua_createtablelua_createtable = NULL
static t_lua_pushlightuserdatalua_pushlightuserdata = NULL
static t_lua_topointerlua_topointer = NULL
static t_lua_gettablelua_gettable = NULL
static t_lua_pushnumberlua_pushnumber = NULL

Detailed Description

A class to handle Lua scripting.


Definition at line 37 of file wxluascript.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef lua_CFunction wxLuaScript::t_lua_atpanic(lua_State *, lua_CFunction) [protected]

Definition at line 221 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_call(lua_State *, int, int) [protected]

Definition at line 236 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_close(lua_State *) [protected]

Definition at line 245 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef int wxLuaScript::t_lua_cpcall(lua_State *, lua_CFunction, void *) [protected]

Definition at line 238 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_createtable(lua_State *, int, int) [protected]

Definition at line 246 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef int wxLuaScript::t_lua_error(lua_State *) [protected]

Definition at line 222 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_getfield(lua_State *, int, const char *) [protected]

Definition at line 241 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_gettable(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 249 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef int wxLuaScript::t_lua_gettop(lua_State *) [protected]

Definition at line 223 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_insert(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 243 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef int wxLuaScript::t_lua_isnumber(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 232 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef int wxLuaScript::t_lua_isstring(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 234 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef int wxLuaScript::t_lua_pcall(lua_State *, int, int, int) [protected]

Definition at line 237 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_pushboolean(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 227 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_pushcclosure(lua_State *, lua_CFunction, int) [protected]

Definition at line 235 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_pushinteger(lua_State *, lua_Integer) [protected]

Definition at line 226 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_pushlightuserdata(lua_State *, void *) [protected]

Definition at line 247 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_pushnumber(lua_State *, lua_Number) [protected]

Definition at line 250 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_pushstring(lua_State *, const char *) [protected]

Definition at line 225 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_pushvalue(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 244 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_setfield(lua_State *, int, const char *) [protected]

Definition at line 240 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_settable(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 239 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_lua_settop(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 242 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef int wxLuaScript::t_lua_toboolean(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 231 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef lua_Integer wxLuaScript::t_lua_tointeger(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 228 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef const char* wxLuaScript::t_lua_tolstring(lua_State *, int, size_t *) [protected]

Definition at line 229 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef lua_Number wxLuaScript::t_lua_tonumber(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 230 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef const void* wxLuaScript::t_lua_topointer(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 248 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef int wxLuaScript::t_lua_type(lua_State *, int) [protected]

Definition at line 233 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef int wxLuaScript::t_luaL_loadstring(lua_State *, const char *) [protected]

Definition at line 224 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef lua_State* wxLuaScript::t_luaL_newstate() [protected]

Definition at line 219 of file wxluascript.h.

typedef void wxLuaScript::t_luaL_openlibs(lua_State *) [protected]

Definition at line 220 of file wxluascript.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

wxLuaScript::wxLuaScript ( const wxString &  strScript = wxEmptyString,
wxEvtHandler *  poParent = NULL,
const wxString &  strDomain = wxEmptyString,
bool *  pbParentState = NULL 

Standard constructor.

strScriptThe Lua source code of the script to execute. Default is the empty string.
poParentA pointer to the parent event handler (mostly a window), may be NULL
strDomainThe name of the domain (the table name where to register the functions). Default is the empty string.
pbParentStateA pointer to a boolean to get the error state, may be NULL

Definition at line 67 of file wxluascript.cpp.


  : m_bOk( true )
    // Initialize members.
    m_strScript= strScript;
    m_poParent= poParent;
    m_strDomain= strDomain;
    m_pbParentState= pbParentState;
    if( m_pbParentState )
        (*m_pbParentState)= true;

    if( !m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.IsLoaded() )
        if( m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.Load( wxDynamicLibrary::CanonicalizeName( wxT( WXLUASCRIPT_LIBLUA ) ),
                                               wxDL_DEFAULT | wxDL_GLOBAL ) )
            luaL_newstate= (t_luaL_newstate *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "luaL_newstate" ) );
            luaL_openlibs= (t_luaL_openlibs *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "luaL_openlibs" ) );
            lua_atpanic= (t_lua_atpanic *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_atpanic" ) );
            lua_error= (t_lua_error *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_error" ) );
            lua_gettop= (t_lua_gettop *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_gettop" ) );
            luaL_loadstring= (t_luaL_loadstring *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "luaL_loadstring" ) );
            lua_pushstring= (t_lua_pushstring *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_pushstring" ) );
            lua_pushinteger= (t_lua_pushinteger *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_pushinteger" ) );
            lua_pushboolean= (t_lua_pushboolean *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_pushboolean" ) );
            lua_tointeger= (t_lua_tointeger *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_tointeger" ) );
            lua_tolstring= (t_lua_tolstring *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_tolstring" ) );
            lua_tonumber= (t_lua_tonumber *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_tonumber" ) );
            lua_toboolean= (t_lua_toboolean *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_toboolean" ) );
            lua_isnumber= (t_lua_isnumber *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_isnumber" ) );
            lua_type= (t_lua_type *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_type" ) );
            lua_isstring= (t_lua_isstring *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_isstring" ) );
            lua_pushcclosure= (t_lua_pushcclosure *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_pushcclosure" ) );
            lua_call= (t_lua_call *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_call" ) );
            lua_pcall= (t_lua_pcall *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_pcall" ) );
            lua_cpcall= (t_lua_cpcall *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_cpcall" ) );
            lua_settable= (t_lua_settable *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_settable" ) );
            lua_setfield= (t_lua_setfield *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_setfield" ) );
            lua_getfield= (t_lua_getfield *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_getfield" ) );
            lua_settop= (t_lua_settop *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_settop" ) );
            lua_insert= (t_lua_insert *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_insert" ) );
            lua_pushvalue= (t_lua_pushvalue *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_pushvalue" ) );
            lua_close= (t_lua_close *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_close" ) );
            lua_createtable= (t_lua_createtable *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_createtable" ) );
            lua_pushlightuserdata= (t_lua_pushlightuserdata *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_pushlightuserdata" ) );
            lua_topointer= (t_lua_topointer *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_topointer" ) );
            lua_gettable= (t_lua_gettable *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_gettable" ) );
            lua_pushnumber= (t_lua_pushnumber *)m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary.GetSymbol( wxT( "lua_pushnumber" ) );
            // Remember the state;
            m_bOk= false;

#if __DEBUG__
            // Log waring message in DEBUG mode.
            wxLogWarning( wxString( wxT( "wxLuaScript::wxLuaScript -- " ) )
                            + _( "Cannot load Lua library." ) );
#endif // __DEBUG__

    // Initialize Lua.
    L= luaL_newstate();

    // Load Lua base libraries.
    luaL_openlibs( L );

    // Register an error handler (since there may be fatal Lua errors).
    lua_atpanic( L, LuaAtPanic );

    // Register the this pointer (to the current wxLuaScript object)
    // as a global value called "this".
    lua_pushinteger( L, (long)this );
    lua_setglobal( L, "this" );

    // Register "SendMenuEvent" as Lua function.
    RegisterFunction( wxT( "SendMenuEvent" ), SendMenuEvent );

    // Register "LogMessage" as Lua function.
    RegisterFunction( wxT( "LogMessage" ), LogMessage );
wxLuaScript::~wxLuaScript ( ) [virtual]

Virtual destructor.

Definition at line 160 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References IsOk(), L, and lua_close.

    // Cleanup Lua.
    if( IsOk() )
        lua_close( L );
    lua_close( L );

Member Function Documentation

virtual void wxLuaScript::CallLuaFunction ( const wxString &  strLuaFunction) [inline, virtual]

Call a Lua function without return value (sometimes called a 'procedure') by given name.

strLuaFunctionthe Lua function name to call

Definition at line 132 of file wxluascript.h.

References L, lua_call, and lua_getfield.

        lua_getfield( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, strLuaFunction.char_str() );
        lua_call( L, 0, 0 );
bool wxLuaScript::IsOk ( ) [inline]

Returns the object state: true on OK and false otherwise.

Definition at line 212 of file wxluascript.h.

References m_bOk.

Referenced by wxIScanFrame::StartScript(), wxIScanLuaScript::wxIScanLuaScript(), and ~wxLuaScript().

int wxLuaScript::LogMessage ( lua_State *  L) [static, protected]

Log a message on the standard wxWidgets log target.

La pointer to the Lua context.

Definition at line 383 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References lua_error, lua_gettop, lua_isstring, and lua_pushstring.

    // Check the number of argument(s) and the type(s).
    if( ( lua_gettop( L ) != 1 ) || !lua_isstring( L, 1 ) )
        // Signal error.
        lua_pushstring( L, "Incorrect argument or incorrect number of arguments." );
        lua_error( L );

    // Get the message and log it.
    wxLogMessage( wxString( (const char *)lua_tostring( L, 1 ), wxConvISO8859_1 ) );

    // Return the number of (Lua) results.
    return 0;
int wxLuaScript::LuaAtPanic ( lua_State *  L) [static, protected]

Error handler for (maybe fatal) Lua errors.

La pointer to the Lua context.

Definition at line 369 of file wxluascript.cpp.

    // Get the error message and log it.
    wxLogError( wxString( (const char *)lua_tostring( L, 1 ), wxConvISO8859_1 ) );

    // Return the number of (Lua) results.
    return 0;
int wxLuaScript::LuaBoolVarAccessor ( lua_State *  L) [static, protected]

Accessor function to a C-closure bound integer on the C/C++ side.

La pointer to the Lua context.

Definition at line 230 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References lua_gettop, lua_pushboolean, lua_toboolean, and lua_topointer.

Referenced by RegisterVariable().

    bool *p = (bool *)lua_topointer( L, lua_upvalueindex( 1 ) );

    if( lua_gettop( L ) == 0 )
    {   // stack empty, so get
        lua_pushboolean( L, *p );
        return 1;
    {   // arg provided, so set
        *p = lua_toboolean( L, 1 );
        return 0;
int wxLuaScript::LuaDoubleVarAccessor ( lua_State *  L) [static, protected]

Accessor function to a C-closure bound integer on the C/C++ side.

La pointer to the Lua context.

Definition at line 254 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References lua_gettop, lua_pushnumber, lua_tonumber, and lua_topointer.

Referenced by RegisterVariable().

    double *p = (double *)lua_topointer( L, lua_upvalueindex( 1 ) );

    if( lua_gettop( L ) == 0 )
    {   // stack empty, so get
        lua_pushnumber( L, *p );
        return 1;
    {   // arg provided, so set
        *p = (double)lua_tonumber( L, 1 );
        return 0;
int wxLuaScript::LuaIntVarAccessor ( lua_State *  L) [static, protected]

Accessor function to a C-closure bound integer on the C/C++ side.

La pointer to the Lua context.

Definition at line 206 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References lua_gettop, lua_pushinteger, lua_tointeger, and lua_topointer.

Referenced by RegisterVariable().

    int *p = (int *)lua_topointer( L, lua_upvalueindex( 1 ) );

    if( lua_gettop( L ) == 0 )
    {   // stack empty, so get
        lua_pushinteger( L, *p );
        return 1;
    {   // arg provided, so set
        *p = lua_tointeger( L, 1 );
        return 0;
int wxLuaScript::LuaStringVarAccessor ( lua_State *  L) [static, protected]

Accessor function to a C-closure bound wxString on the C++ side.

La pointer to the Lua context.

Definition at line 278 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References lua_gettop, lua_pushstring, and lua_topointer.

Referenced by RegisterVariable().

    wxString *p = (wxString *)lua_topointer( L, lua_upvalueindex( 1 ) );

    if( lua_gettop( L ) == 0 )
    {   // stack empty, so get
        lua_pushstring( L, p->char_str( wxConvISO8859_1 ) );
        return 1;
    {   // arg provided, so set
        (*p)= wxString( lua_tostring( L, 1 ), wxConvISO8859_1 );
        return 0;
virtual void wxLuaScript::RegisterConstant ( const wxString &  strLuaConstantName,
const int  nValue 
) [inline, virtual]

Register an integer constant to Lua.

strLuaConstantNamethe constant's name in Lua
nValuethe constant's value as integer

Definition at line 98 of file wxluascript.h.

References L, lua_pushinteger, lua_pushstring, and lua_settable.

        lua_pushstring( L, strLuaConstantName.char_str() );
        lua_pushinteger( L, nValue );
        lua_settable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX );
virtual void wxLuaScript::RegisterConstant ( const wxString &  strLuaConstantName,
const wxString &  strValue 
) [inline, virtual]

Register a string constant to Lua.

strLuaConstantNamethe constant's name in Lua
strValuethe constant's value as string

Definition at line 87 of file wxluascript.h.

References L, lua_pushstring, and lua_settable.

Referenced by wxIScanFrame::StartScript().

        lua_pushstring( L, strLuaConstantName.char_str() );
        lua_pushstring( L, strValue.char_str() );
        lua_settable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX );
void wxLuaScript::RegisterFunction ( lua_State *  L,
const char *  pszTableName,
const char *  pszFuncName,
lua_CFunction  pLuaCFunction 
) [static, protected]

Register a new (LuaC-)function to Lua. Lower level function.

La pointer to the Lua context.
pszTableNamethe table name where the function is assigned to (a kind of domain)
pszFuncNamethe name of the C function
pLuaCFunctiona pointer to the C function

Definition at line 175 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References lua_createtable, lua_getfield, lua_pushstring, lua_setfield, and lua_settable.

    lua_getfield( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, pszTableName );          // push table onto stack
    if( !lua_istable( L, -1 ) )                                 // not a table, create it
        lua_createtable( L, 0, 1 );                             // create new table
        lua_setfield( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, pszTableName) ;      // add it to global context

                                                                // reset table on stack:
        lua_pop( L, 1 );                                        // pop table (nil value) from stack
        lua_getfield( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, pszTableName );      // push table onto stack

    lua_pushstring( L, pszFuncName );                           // push key onto stack
    lua_pushcfunction( L, pLuaCFunction );                      // push value onto stack
    lua_settable( L, -3 );                                      // add key-value pair to table

    lua_pop( L, 1 );                                            // pop table from stack
virtual void wxLuaScript::RegisterFunction ( const wxString &  strLuaCFunctionName,
lua_CFunction  pLuaCFunction 
) [inline, virtual]

Register a new (LuaC-)function to Lua.

strLuaCFunctionNamethe function's name in Lua
pLuaCFunctiona pointer to the LuaC-function

Definition at line 71 of file wxluascript.h.

References L, and m_strDomain.

Referenced by wxIScanLuaScript::wxIScanLuaScript().

        if( m_strDomain.IsEmpty() )
            lua_register( L, strLuaCFunctionName.char_str(), pLuaCFunction );
            RegisterFunction( L, m_strDomain.char_str(), strLuaCFunctionName.char_str(), pLuaCFunction );
void wxLuaScript::RegisterVariable ( const wxString &  strLuaVarName,
const double *  pnValue 
) [virtual]

Register a double variable to Lua.

strLuaVarNamethe variable's name in Lua
pnValuea pointer to the double variable

Definition at line 246 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References L, lua_gettable, lua_pushcclosure, lua_pushlightuserdata, lua_setfield, and LuaDoubleVarAccessor().

    lua_gettable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX );
    lua_pushlightuserdata( L, (void *)pnValue );
    lua_pushcclosure( L, wxLuaScript::LuaDoubleVarAccessor, 1 );
    lua_setfield( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, strLuaVarName.char_str() );
void wxLuaScript::RegisterVariable ( const wxString &  strLuaVarName,
const int *  pnValue 
) [virtual]

Register an integer variable to Lua.

strLuaVarNamethe variable's name in Lua
pnValuea pointer to the integer variable

Definition at line 198 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References L, lua_gettable, lua_pushcclosure, lua_pushlightuserdata, lua_setfield, and LuaIntVarAccessor().

Referenced by wxIScanFrame::StartScript().

    lua_gettable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX );
    lua_pushlightuserdata( L, (void *)pnValue );
    lua_pushcclosure( L, wxLuaScript::LuaIntVarAccessor, 1 );
    lua_setfield( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, strLuaVarName.char_str() );
void wxLuaScript::RegisterVariable ( const wxString &  strLuaVarName,
const wxString *  pstrValue 
) [virtual]

Register a wxString variable to Lua.

strLuaVarNamethe variable's name in Lua
pstrValuea pointer to the string variable

Definition at line 270 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References L, lua_gettable, lua_pushcclosure, lua_pushlightuserdata, lua_setfield, and LuaStringVarAccessor().

    lua_gettable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX );
    lua_pushlightuserdata( L, (void *)pstrValue );
    lua_pushcclosure( L, wxLuaScript::LuaStringVarAccessor, 1 );
    lua_setfield( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, strLuaVarName.char_str() );
void wxLuaScript::RegisterVariable ( const wxString &  strLuaVarName,
const bool *  pnValue 
) [virtual]

Register a boolean variable to Lua.

strLuaVarNamethe variable's name in Lua
pnValuea pointer to the boolean variable

Definition at line 222 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References L, lua_gettable, lua_pushcclosure, lua_pushlightuserdata, lua_setfield, and LuaBoolVarAccessor().

    lua_gettable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX );
    lua_pushlightuserdata( L, (void *)pnValue );
    lua_pushcclosure( L, wxLuaScript::LuaBoolVarAccessor, 1 );
    lua_setfield( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, strLuaVarName.char_str() );
virtual void wxLuaScript::Run ( ) [inline, virtual]

Run the Lua script in memory.

Definition at line 61 of file wxluascript.h.

References L, and lua_cpcall.

Referenced by wxIScanFrame::StartScript().

        // Run the script.
        lua_cpcall( L, wxLuaScript::Run, NULL );
int wxLuaScript::Run ( lua_State *  L) [static, protected]

Run the Lua script in memory in protected mode.

La pointer to the Lua context.

Definition at line 308 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References GetThis(), lua_gettop, lua_insert, lua_pcall, luaL_loadstring, m_strScript, and TraceBack().

    // Get the this-pointer to the current wxLuaScript object.
    wxLuaScript *poThis= GetThis( L );

    if( luaL_loadstring( L, poThis->m_strScript.char_str() ) )
        // Log an error message.
        wxLogError( wxString( wxT( "int wxLuaScript::Run( lua_State* L ) -- " ) )
                      + _( "Cannot initialize Lua script." ) );

        // Return the number of (Lua) results.
        return 0;

    // Insert TraceBack function.
    int base= lua_gettop(L);                            /* function index */
    lua_pushcfunction( L, wxLuaScript::TraceBack );     /* push traceback function */
    lua_insert( L, base );                              /* put it under chunk and args */

    // Run the script (from memory) and output an error
    // message if there was an error running the script.
    if( lua_pcall( L, 0, 0, base )
        && !lua_isnil( L, -1 ) )
        // Get the error message and log it.
        wxLogError( wxString( (const char *)lua_tostring( L, -1 ), wxConvISO8859_1 ) );

    // Return the number of (Lua) results.
    return 0;
int wxLuaScript::SendMenuEvent ( lua_State *  L) [static, protected]

Send a menu event to the parent event handler.

La pointer to the Lua context.

Definition at line 402 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References GetThis(), lua_error, lua_gettop, lua_isnumber, lua_pushboolean, lua_pushstring, lua_tonumber, m_pbParentState, and m_poParent.

    // Check the number of (Lua) argument(s) and the type(s).
    if( ( lua_gettop( L ) != 1 ) || !lua_isnumber( L, 1 ) )
        // Signal error.
        lua_pushstring( L, "Incorrect argument or incorrect number of arguments." );
        lua_error( L );

    // Get the this pointer to the current wxLuaScript object.
    wxLuaScript *poThis= GetThis( L );

    // Get the pointer to the event handler.
    wxEvtHandler *poParent= poThis->m_poParent;

    // Post the message (if possible).
    if( poParent )
        // Process the corresponding wxWidgets menu event.
        // NOTE: We get the adress of the this-pointer from Lua
        //       (for this is a static function, and we need it
        //       to call the correct event handler).
        wxCommandEvent oEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, lua_tonumber( L, 1 ) );

        if( poParent->ProcessEvent( oEvent ) )
            // Push the return value ( the parent state );
            if( poThis->m_pbParentState )
                lua_pushboolean( L, *poThis->m_pbParentState );
                (*poThis->m_pbParentState)= true;
                lua_pushboolean( L, true );
            // Push an error value for the event could not be handled
            // or a proper event handler could not be found.
#if __DEBUG__
            wxLogWarning( wxT( "wxLuaScript::SendMenuEvent -- Could not handle the event." ) );
            lua_pushboolean( L, false );
        // Push an error value for there is no parent to post the
        // message.
        lua_pushboolean( L, false );

    // Return the number of (Lua) results.
    return 1;
int wxLuaScript::TraceBack ( lua_State *  L) [static, protected]

Create a stack trace on the Lua stack.

La pointer to the Lua context.

Definition at line 343 of file wxluascript.cpp.

References lua_call, lua_getfield, lua_isstring, lua_pushinteger, and lua_pushvalue.

Referenced by Run().

    if( !lua_isstring(L, 1) )  /* 'message' not a string? */
        return 1;  /* keep it intact */
    lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "debug");
    if( !lua_istable( L, -1 ) )
        lua_pop( L, 1 );
        return 1;
    lua_getfield( L, -1, "traceback" );
    if( !lua_isfunction( L, -1 ) )
        lua_pop( L, 2 );
        return 1;
    lua_pushvalue( L, 1 );  /* pass error message */
    lua_pushinteger( L, 2 );  /* skip this function and traceback */
    lua_call( L, 2, 1 );  /* call debug.traceback */
    return 1;

Member Data Documentation

lua_State* wxLuaScript::L [protected]

Lua context.

Definition at line 206 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by CallLuaFunction(), RegisterConstant(), RegisterFunction(), RegisterVariable(), Run(), and ~wxLuaScript().

Definition at line 254 of file wxluascript.h.

wxLuaScript::t_lua_call * wxLuaScript::lua_call = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 269 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by CallLuaFunction(), and TraceBack().

wxLuaScript::t_lua_close * wxLuaScript::lua_close = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 278 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by ~wxLuaScript().

wxLuaScript::t_lua_cpcall * wxLuaScript::lua_cpcall = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 271 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by Run().

Definition at line 279 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by RegisterFunction().

Definition at line 274 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by CallLuaFunction(), RegisterFunction(), and TraceBack().

Definition at line 282 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by RegisterVariable().

wxLuaScript::t_lua_insert * wxLuaScript::lua_insert = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 276 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by Run().

wxLuaScript::t_lua_pcall * wxLuaScript::lua_pcall = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 270 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by Run().

Definition at line 268 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by RegisterVariable().

Definition at line 259 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by LuaIntVarAccessor(), RegisterConstant(), and TraceBack().

Definition at line 280 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by RegisterVariable().

Definition at line 283 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by LuaDoubleVarAccessor().

Definition at line 277 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by TraceBack().

Definition at line 273 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by RegisterFunction(), and RegisterVariable().

Definition at line 272 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by RegisterConstant(), and RegisterFunction().

wxLuaScript::t_lua_settop * wxLuaScript::lua_settop = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 275 of file wxluascript.h.

Definition at line 262 of file wxluascript.h.

wxLuaScript::t_lua_type * wxLuaScript::lua_type = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 266 of file wxluascript.h.

Definition at line 257 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by Run().

Definition at line 252 of file wxluascript.h.

Definition at line 253 of file wxluascript.h.

bool wxLuaScript::m_bOk [protected]


Definition at line 216 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by IsOk().

wxDynamicLibrary wxLuaScript::m_oWxLuaScriptDynamicLibrary [static, protected]


Definition at line 215 of file wxluascript.h.

bool* wxLuaScript::m_pbParentState [protected]

Pointer to the state of the parent object (true == OK, false == not OK).

Definition at line 205 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by SendMenuEvent().

wxString wxLuaScript::m_strDomain [protected]

Lua "domain" name (the table where the functions are to register to).

Definition at line 208 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by RegisterFunction().

wxString wxLuaScript::m_strScript [protected]

Lua script as a string in memory.

Definition at line 207 of file wxluascript.h.

Referenced by Run().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: