![]() |
00001 /*************************************************************** 00002 * Name: wxiscanframe.h 00003 * Purpose: Code for application frame (the main) window 00004 * Author: Daniel Nell (daniel.nell@nellresearch.de) 00005 * Created: 2008-05-04 00006 * Copyright: Daniel Nell (www.nellresearch.de) 00007 * License: GPL 00008 **************************************************************/ 00009 00010 #ifndef WXISCANFRAME_H 00011 #define WXISCANFRAME_H 00012 00013 //(*Headers(wxIScanFrame) 00014 #include <wx/toolbar.h> 00015 #include <wx/menu.h> 00016 #include <wx/scrolwin.h> 00017 #include <wx/splitter.h> 00018 #include <wx/statusbr.h> 00019 #include <wx/frame.h> 00020 #include <wx/textctrl.h> 00021 //*) 00022 00023 // Additional wxWidgets header files 00024 #include <wx/docview.h> 00025 #include <wx/process.h> 00026 00027 // Private header files. 00028 #include "wxextfiledroptarget.h" 00029 #include "wximagepanel.h" 00030 #include "wxiviewcanvas.h" 00031 #include "wxiviewpaint.h" 00032 #include "wxscan.h" 00033 #if __WXPDFDOC__ 00034 # include "wxiscanhocr2pdf.h" 00035 #endif // __WXPDFDOC__ 00036 00037 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 00038 // Constants 00039 // 00040 #define wxISCAN_SCRIPTMENUPOS 5 00041 00042 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 00043 // IDs 00044 // 00045 #define wxISCAN_PROCESS 1 00046 00047 00048 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 00049 // Predefined classes 00050 // 00051 class wxExtProcess; 00052 00053 00054 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 00055 // Class wxIScanFrame 00056 // 00057 /// \brief The frame window class. 00058 /// 00059 /// wxIScanFrame represents the scanning application's main 00060 /// window and handles most of the events (e. g. menu, timer 00061 /// etc.). 00062 /// 00063 /// Note: 00064 /// In addition to wxFrame wxIScanFrame inherits the 00065 /// class wxIViewPaintBase which is an interface to 00066 /// basic printing and print previewing of an image. 00067 class wxIScanFrame: public wxFrame, public wxIViewPaintBase 00068 { 00069 public: 00070 enum 00071 { 00072 wxCANVASFULLSIZE, ///< Show image full size (without any zooming). 00073 wxCANVASFITWIDTH, ///< Zoom image to fit the window width. 00074 wxCANVASFITWINDOW, ///< Zoom image to fit the window size. 00075 wxCANVASCUSTOMSIZE ///< Zoom image to an explicit given zoom factor (m_nScaleFactor). 00076 }; 00077 00078 public: 00079 /// \brief Standard constructor. 00080 /// 00081 /// \param poParent a pointer to the parent window 00082 /// \param nId the window id 00083 wxIScanFrame( wxWindow* poParent, wxWindowID nId= wxID_ANY ); 00084 00085 /// \brief Virtual destructor. 00086 virtual ~wxIScanFrame(); 00087 00088 virtual bool CanClose( bool bCanVeto= true ); ///< Handle window closing requests. 00089 virtual bool OpenImage( const wxString &strFileName, bool bSetFileName= true ); ///< Open an image using the given name. 00090 virtual bool OnDocumentPageChanged(); ///< (Re)loads the (zero based) page number given in m_nPage. 00091 virtual void UpdateBitmap(); ///< Update the canvas bitmap. 00092 virtual wxImage GetImageSelection(); ///< Get the selected sub image. 00093 virtual bool ScanImage(); ///< Get an image from scanner. 00094 #ifdef __WXSCANSANE__ 00095 virtual void ScanForScanners( bool bAsync= false ); ///< Scan for existing SANE scanners an fill the object in the tool bar. 00096 virtual void ScanForScannersThreadEntry(); ///< Create a new scanner object and scan for scanning devices. 00097 virtual void ScanForScannersThreadExit(); ///< Fill the wxChoice object for scanners with a list of available scanning devices. 00098 #endif // __WXSCANSANE__ 00099 virtual void SetProfile( int nProfileIndex ); ///< Select a profile (by number). 00100 virtual void ApplyProfile(); ///< Apply the selected profile to the image. 00101 00102 /// \brief Enhance the optical contrast by replacing white by yellow. 00103 virtual void EnhenceOpticalContrast() 00104 { 00105 m_oImage.Replace( 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0 ); 00106 UpdateBitmap(); 00107 } 00108 00109 /// \brief Call an external OCR software and return the 00110 /// filename of the resulting text file. 00111 /// 00112 /// \param strTempFileName the file name of the image that should be read by OCR(). 00113 /// \param bUseHocr flag if hOCR (as html) output should be done, defaults to false. 00114 virtual wxString OCR( const wxString &strTempFileName, bool bUseHocr= false ); 00115 00116 /// \brief Do OCR and read out the returned text. 00117 /// 00118 /// \param bAsync start the read out asynchronously, defaults to true. 00119 virtual bool ReadOut( bool bAsync= true ); 00120 00121 /// \brief Fork an external process. 00122 /// 00123 /// \param strCommand the command line to be executed. 00124 /// \param bAsync an (optional) flag which decides if the new process 00125 /// is to be executed synchronous (default) or asynchronous. 00126 /// \param strTempTextFileName an (optional) file name of a file that should be deleted 00127 /// at the end of an asynchronous running process. 00128 virtual bool Execute( const wxString &strCommand, bool bAsync= false, 00129 const wxString &strTempTextFileName= wxEmptyString ); 00130 00131 #if __WXPDFDOC__ 00132 /// \brief Create (and initialize) a new PDF document. 00133 virtual bool CreateNewPdfDocument(); 00134 00135 /// \brief Add a new image/OCR text page to the existing PDF document. 00136 virtual bool AddPdfPage(); 00137 00138 /// \brief Check if the PDF dirty flag is set to TRUE. 00139 virtual bool IsPdfDirty() 00140 { 00141 return m_bPdfDirty; 00142 } 00143 #endif // __WXPDFDOC__ 00144 00145 /// \brief State if the image is in portrait direction. 00146 virtual bool IsPortrait() 00147 { 00148 return ( m_oImage.GetHeight() > m_oImage.GetWidth() ); 00149 } 00150 00151 /// \brief Reset the filename to "unknown.jpg" etc. 00152 virtual void ResetFileName(); 00153 00154 /// \brief Write a sub processes stdout and stderr output to the program's log. 00155 virtual void LogProcessOutput( wxProcess *poProcess ); 00156 00157 /// \brief Update the page number info in the statusbar and in the toolbar. 00158 virtual void UpdatePageNumber(); 00159 00160 /// \brief Toggle full screen mode. 00161 virtual void ToggleFullScreen() 00162 { 00163 ShowFullScreen( !IsFullScreen() ); 00164 } 00165 00166 /// \brief Restore program settings from config file. 00167 virtual void RestoreSettings(); 00168 00169 /// \brief Restore sash settings from config file. 00170 virtual void RestoreSashSettings(); 00171 00172 /// \brief Save program settings in config file. 00173 virtual void SaveSettings(); 00174 00175 /// \brief Enable or disable controls according to the actual progam state. 00176 virtual void EnableControls(); 00177 00178 /// \brief Locks/Unlocks the user interface. 00179 /// 00180 /// \param bLock if true locks otherwise unlocks the user interface. 00181 virtual void LockUI( bool bLock= true ) 00182 { 00183 m_bUILocked= bLock; 00184 EnableControls(); 00185 } 00186 00187 /// \brief Unlocks the user interface. 00188 virtual void UnlockUI() 00189 { 00190 LockUI( false ); 00191 } 00192 00193 #if __WXLUASCRIPT__ 00194 /// \brief Start a Lua script from a give file. 00195 /// 00196 /// \param strScriptStartupFunction startup function of the Lua script 00197 /// \param strScriptFileName file name of the text file containing the Lua script 00198 /// (defaults to the empty string which means, that no 00199 /// script is to be loaded before running the start up 00200 /// function). 00201 virtual void StartScript( const wxString &strScriptStartupFunction, 00202 wxString strScriptFileName= wxEmptyString ); 00203 #endif // __WXLUASCRIPT__ 00204 00205 #if __WXPDFDOC__ 00206 private: 00207 // Private helper functions. 00208 void AddPdfPageTraverseXmlNodes( wxXmlNode *poNode ); ///< DOM tree traverse helper function for AddPdfPage(). 00209 #endif // __WXPDFDOC__ 00210 00211 public: 00212 // Printer handling (introduced by base class wxIViewPaintBase) 00213 virtual void AdjustOrientation(){ m_oPrintData.SetOrientation( IsPortrait() ? wxPORTRAIT : wxLANDSCAPE ); } ///< ... 00214 virtual bool GetPageSizeMM( int *pnWidth, int *pnHeight ); ///< Calculates the image extents in mm while printing or print previewing. 00215 virtual int GetMaxPage(){ return m_nImageCount; } ///< Get the (zero based) page number of the last page. 00216 virtual bool GotoPage( int nPage ); ///< Go to a given printer page. 00217 virtual bool Paint( wxDC& oDc ); ///< Paints the image while printing or print previewing. 00218 00219 private: 00220 // Member variables 00221 bool m_bUILocked; ///< States if the GUI should be locked by wxIScanFrame::EnableControls(). 00222 wxImage m_oImage; ///< Image object. 00223 wxImage m_oPrintImage; ///< Image object for printing. 00224 wxString m_strImageFileName; ///< Image file name. 00225 int m_nPage; ///< Page number. 00226 int m_nImageCount; ///< The number of images in an image file. 00227 int m_nResolution; ///< The (fictive) resolution of an image in dpi. 00228 wxScan *m_poScanner; ///< Object representing the scanner. 00229 #ifdef __WXSCANSANE__ 00230 wxCriticalSection m_oCriticalSectionScanner; ///< critical section to protect m_poScanner. 00231 #endif // __WXSCANSANE__ 00232 00233 // Options 00234 int m_nFit; ///< Fit bitmap size according to its value. 00235 double m_nScaleFactor; ///< Bitmap scalation factor. 00236 double m_nZoomFactor; ///< Zoom factor by which the bitmap should be scaled. 00237 bool m_bAutoApplyProfile; ///< Apply a profile automatically after scanning. 00238 bool m_bAutoApplyProfileOnMultiPage; ///< Apply a profile automatically after loading a page from a multi page file. 00239 int m_nProfileIndex; ///< Index number of the current image profile. 00240 wxString m_strBitmapMimeType; ///< Image mimetype for any export but PDF export. 00241 #if __WXPDFDOC__ 00242 wxString m_strPdfBitmapMimeType; ///< Image mimetype for PDF export. 00243 #endif // __WXPDFDOC__ 00244 #if __WXLUASCRIPT__ 00245 bool m_bLua; ///< Enable Lua scripting. 00246 int m_nLuaCount; ///< Number of Lua scripts. 00247 #endif // __WXLUASCRIPT__ 00248 bool m_bOCR; ///< Enable OCR. 00249 wxString m_strOcrOutputExtension; ///< The output extension of the via OCR extracted text file. 00250 wxString m_strOcrOutputExtensionHocr; ///< The output extension of the via OCR extracted hocr (html) file. 00251 bool m_bCmdConvertEnable; ///< ... 00252 wxString m_strCmdConvert; ///< ... 00253 bool m_bCmdOcrEnable; ///< ... 00254 wxString m_strCmdOcr; ///< ... 00255 bool m_bCmdCleanUpEnable; ///< ... 00256 wxString m_strCmdCleanUp; ///< ... 00257 bool m_bHocrEnable; ///< ... 00258 wxString m_strHocrClass; ///< ... 00259 bool m_bSmartHocrEnable; ///< ... 00260 wxString m_strCmdOcrUseHocr; ///< ... 00261 bool m_bCmdHtml2XhtmlEnable; ///< ... 00262 wxString m_strCmdHtml2Xhtml; ///< ... 00263 bool m_bCmdHocrCleanUpEnable; ///< ... 00264 wxString m_strCmdHocrCleanUp; ///< ... 00265 bool m_bCmdTtsEnable; ///< ... 00266 wxString m_strCmdTts; ///< ... 00267 bool m_bCmdEditEnable; ///< ... 00268 wxString m_strCmdEdit; ///< ... 00269 00270 // File history 00271 wxFileHistory m_oFileHistory; ///< History of last opened files 00272 00273 // Printing support. 00274 wxPrintData m_oPrintData; ///< Holds related to printers and printer device contexts. 00275 00276 #if __WXPDFDOC__ 00277 // PDF support 00278 wxPdfDocument *m_poPdfDoc; ///< PDF document. 00279 int m_nPdfPages; ///< Number of PDF pages in memory. 00280 bool m_bPdfDirty; ///< States if the PDF file is dirty (and should be saved). 00281 #endif // __WXPDFDOC__ 00282 00283 #if __WXLUASCRIPT__ 00284 bool bLuaReturnFromEventHandler; ///< Lua return value of the event handlers. 00285 #endif // __WXLUASCRIPT__ 00286 00287 // Managed process. 00288 wxExtProcess *m_poRunningProcess; ///< A concurrent running process (equals to NULL if there isn't any). 00289 00290 private: 00291 //(*Handlers(wxIScanFrame) 00292 void OnFileQuit(wxCommandEvent& event); 00293 void OnFileScanImage(wxCommandEvent& event); 00294 void OnFileOpen(wxCommandEvent& event); 00295 void OnFileSaveAs(wxCommandEvent& event); 00296 void OnFilePrint( wxCommandEvent &oEvent ); 00297 void OnFilePrintPreview( wxCommandEvent &oEvent ); 00298 void OnFilePrintSetup( wxCommandEvent &oEvent ); 00299 void OnEditCopy(wxCommandEvent& event); 00300 void OnPdfBeginPdf(wxCommandEvent& event); 00301 void OnDocumentCopyText(wxCommandEvent& event); 00302 void OnDocumentReadText(wxCommandEvent& event); 00303 void OnDocumentFirstPage(wxCommandEvent& event); 00304 void OnDocumentPreviousPage(wxCommandEvent& event); 00305 void OnDocumentNextPage(wxCommandEvent& event); 00306 void OnDocumentLastPage(wxCommandEvent& event); 00307 void OnDocumentRotate90Left(wxCommandEvent& event); 00308 void OnDocumentRotate90Right(wxCommandEvent& event); 00309 void OnDocumentApplyProfile(wxCommandEvent& event); 00310 void OnPdfAddPage(wxCommandEvent& event); 00311 void OnPdfSavePdf(wxCommandEvent& event); 00312 void OnHelpAbout(wxCommandEvent& event); 00313 void OnCmdStop(wxCommandEvent& event); 00314 void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); 00315 void OnEditPaste(wxCommandEvent& event); 00316 void OnEditSettings(wxCommandEvent& event); 00317 void OnEditSettingsFile(wxCommandEvent& event); 00318 void OnDocumentCrop(wxCommandEvent& event); 00319 void OnEditClearHistory(wxCommandEvent& event); 00320 void OnEditClearLog(wxCommandEvent& event); 00321 void OnDocumentZoom(wxCommandEvent& event); 00322 void OnViewFit(wxCommandEvent& event); 00323 void OnViewFullScreen(wxCommandEvent& event); 00324 void OnEditScanScanners(wxCommandEvent& event); 00325 void OnViewCloseDebugWindow(wxCommandEvent& event); 00326 void OnViewClosePreviewPanel(wxCommandEvent& event); 00327 //*) 00328 void OnDocumentProfilesChooseProfile( wxCommandEvent& oEvent ); ///< Handle menu command "Document|Profile|[PROFILE #X]". 00329 #if __WXLUASCRIPT__ 00330 void OnScriptStartScript( wxCommandEvent& oEvent ); ///< Handle menu command "Scripts|[SCRIPT NAME]". 00331 #endif // __WXLUASCRIPT__ 00332 void OnMRUFiles( wxCommandEvent& oEvent ); ///< Handle menu command "File|[MOST RECENTLY USED FILE #X]". 00333 void OnFileDrop( wxExtFileDropEvent& oEvent ); ///< Handle file dropping. 00334 void OnCanvasSize( wxIViewCanvasSizeEvent& oEvent ); ///< Handle bitmap resizing introduced by canvas resizing. 00335 void OnCanvasSelected( wxIViewCanvasSelectedEvent& oEvent ); ///< Handle canvas selection events. 00336 void OnProcessTerminated( wxProcessEvent& oEvent ); ///< Handle process termination. 00337 void OnTextCtrlPageProcessEnter( wxCommandEvent& oEvent ); ///< Handle page number editor field events. 00338 00339 #ifdef __WXSCANSANE__ 00340 /// \brief Handle the exit of another thread. 00341 /// 00342 /// \param oEvent ... (not yet used at all). 00343 void OnThreadExit( wxCommandEvent& oEvent ) 00344 { 00345 ScanForScannersThreadExit(); 00346 } 00347 #endif // __WXSCANSANE__ 00348 00349 //(*Identifiers(wxIScanFrame) 00350 static const long ID_CANVAS; 00351 static const long ID_PAGES; 00352 static const long ID_VSPLITTERWINDOW; 00353 static const long ID_LOGTEXTCTRL; 00354 static const long ID_HSPLITTERWINDOW; 00355 static const long ID_FILESCANIMAGE; 00356 static const long ID_FILEOPEN; 00357 static const long ID_FILESAVEAS; 00358 static const long ID_FILEPRINT; 00359 static const long ID_FILEPRINTPREVIEW; 00360 static const long ID_FILEPRINTSETUP; 00361 static const long ID_FILEQUIT; 00362 static const long ID_EDITCOPY; 00363 static const long ID_EDITPASTE; 00364 static const long ID_EDITSETTINGS; 00365 static const long ID_EDITSETTINGSFILE; 00366 static const long ID_EDITSCANSCANNERS; 00367 static const long ID_EDITCLEARLOG; 00368 static const long ID_EDITCLEARHISTORY; 00369 static const long ID_VIEWFULLSCREEN; 00370 static const long ID_VIEWFITWIDTH; 00371 static const long ID_VIEWFITWINDOW; 00372 static const long ID_VIEWFULLSIZE; 00373 static const long ID_VIEWCUSTOMSIZE; 00374 static const long ID_VIEWZOOMIN; 00375 static const long ID_VIEWZOOMOUT; 00376 static const long ID_VIEWZOOMSELECTION; 00377 static const long ID_VIEWCLOSEDEBUGWINDOW; 00378 static const long ID_VIEWCLOSEPREVIEWPANEL; 00379 static const long ID_DOCUMENTCOPYTEXT; 00380 static const long ID_DOCUMENTREADTEXT; 00381 static const long ID_CMDSTOP; 00382 static const long ID_DOCUMENTFIRSTPAGE; 00383 static const long ID_DOCUMENTPREVIOUSPAGE; 00384 static const long ID_DOCUMENTNEXTPAGE; 00385 static const long ID_DOCUMENTLASTPAGE; 00386 static const long ID_DOCUMENTROTATE90LEFT; 00387 static const long ID_DOCUMENTROTATE90RIGHT; 00388 static const long ID_DOCUMENTCROP; 00389 static const long ID_DOCUMENTAPPLYPROFILE; 00390 static const long ID_MENUDOCUMENTPROFILES; 00391 static const long ID_PDFBEGINPDF; 00392 static const long ID_PDFADDPAGE; 00393 static const long ID_PDFSAVEASPDF; 00394 static const long ID_HELPABOUT; 00395 static const long ID_FILESCANIMAGE_TB; 00396 static const long ID_FILEOPEN_TB; 00397 static const long ID_FILESAVEAS_TB; 00398 static const long ID_FILEPRINT_TB; 00399 static const long ID_PDFBEGINPDF_TB; 00400 static const long ID_PDFADDPAGE_TB; 00401 static const long ID_PDFSAVEASPDF_TB; 00402 static const long ID_DOCUMENTFIRSTPAGE_TB; 00403 static const long ID_DOCUMENTPREVIOUSPAGE_TB; 00404 static const long ID_DOCUMENTNEXTPAGE_TB; 00405 static const long ID_DOCUMENTLASTPAGE_TB; 00406 static const long ID_DOCUMENTREADTEXT_TB; 00407 static const long ID_CMDSTOP_TB; 00408 //*) 00409 static const long ID_DOCUMENTREADTEXTSYNC; ///< ... 00410 static const long ID_DOCUMENTPROFILE0; ///< ... 00411 static const long ID_TEXTCTRLPAGE; ///< ... 00412 #ifdef __WXSCANSANE__ 00413 static const long ID_CHOICESCANNER; ///< ... 00414 #endif // __WXSCANSANE__ 00415 00416 //(*Declarations(wxIScanFrame) 00417 wxIViewCanvas* m_poCanvas; 00418 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem5; 00419 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem11; 00420 wxSplitterWindow* m_poVSplitterWindow; 00421 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem6; 00422 wxImagePanel* m_poPanelPages; 00423 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem12; 00424 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem7; 00425 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem2; 00426 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem13; 00427 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem9; 00428 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem10; 00429 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem4; 00430 wxMenu* poMenuEdit; 00431 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem1; 00432 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem3; 00433 wxSplitterWindow* m_poHSplitterWindow; 00434 wxTextCtrl* m_poLogTextCtrl; 00435 wxToolBarToolBase* ToolBarItem8; 00436 //*) 00437 wxTextCtrl *m_poTextCtrlPage; ///< A pointer to the page number editor 00438 wxTextValidator m_oTextValidatorTextCtrlPage; ///< The validator to the page number editor. 00439 #ifdef __WXSCANSANE__ 00440 wxChoice *m_poChoiceScanner; ///< A pointer to the scanner choice dropdown box. 00441 #endif // __WXSCANSANE__ 00442 00443 // Friend classes. 00444 #if __WXLUASCRIPT__ 00445 friend class wxIScanLuaScript; 00446 #endif // __WXLUASCRIPT__ 00447 00448 // Event table. 00449 DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() 00450 }; 00451 00452 00453 #ifdef __WXSCANSANE__ 00454 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 00455 // class wxIScanImageThread 00456 // 00457 /// \brief ... 00458 /// 00459 /// ... 00460 class wxIScanFrameScanForScannersThread : public wxExtThread 00461 { 00462 public: 00463 /// \brief Standard constructor 00464 /// 00465 /// \param poEvtHandler A pointer to the event handler that owns the thread. 00466 /// \param nEventInt The ID of the corresponding image (in the hash map). 00467 wxIScanFrameScanForScannersThread( wxEvtHandler *poEvtHandler ) 00468 : wxExtThread( poEvtHandler ) 00469 { 00470 } 00471 00472 /// \brief Thread execution starts here. 00473 virtual ExitCode Entry() 00474 { 00475 // Run the preview image creation. 00476 ( (wxIScanFrame *)m_poEvtHandler )->ScanForScannersThreadEntry(); 00477 00478 // Return with exit code 0 (success). 00479 return 0; 00480 } 00481 }; 00482 #endif // __WXSCANSANE__ 00483 00484 #endif // WXISCANFRAME_H